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For publicity and interviews for The Art of Procrastination, contact John Jenkinson (johnj@workman.com). For speaking engagements contact Carol Schneider (speakersbureau@workman.com)
Email: john@csli.stanford.edu
His most recent book is The Art of Procrastination, published by Workman.
Other books, recent and less recent, by John Perry
Reference and Reflexivity,
2nd enlarged edition (CSLI Publications)
Korta & Perry Critical Pragmatics
(Cambridge University Press)
Liu and Perry (eds)
Consciousness and the Self (Cambridge University Press)
John Perry (ed.) Personal Identity
(University of California Press)
Personal Identity and the Self (Hackett Publications)
Possibility and Consciousness (MIT Press)
Dialogue on
Personal Identity and Immortality (Hackett Publications)
on Good, Evil and the Existence of God (Hackett Publications)
The Problem of the
Essential Indexical and other Essays, 2nd edition (CSLI Publications)
Jon Barwise and John Perry
Situations and Attitudes, 2nd edition (CSLI Publications)
Other books of interest:
Michael O’Rourke and Corey
Washington (eds.) Situating Semantics: Essays on the Philosophy of John
Perry (MIT Press)
Albert Newen and Raphael
Van Riell (eds.) Identity, Language and Mind: An Introduction to the
Philosophy of John Perry. (CSLI Publications/University of Chicago
C.V. with list of publications; most articles can be downloaded (PDF version)
Structured Procrastination and other light essays
Structured Procrastination in Psychology Today